
Some people love and embrace the idea of being spontaneous. The less planning that goes into something, the more they thrive in the experience. Jumping in a car and just going somewhere brings a good kind of excitement into their life.

I am not one of those people.

In my friend group, if there is one person who can be counted on to do all of the planning for any given trip, it would be me. If, by some strange happening, I am not the one to be planning any kind of get together…the questions are endless and I make sure I know everything. Where is this? No, like what is the exact address? It’s fine I can find it and get directions myself. Oh I found a great place to park right near by. What time is everyone getting there? How much is this going to cost? The list goes on. And on. And on.

While sometimes I think that perhaps I worry a little too much, or am too concerned about the details, I have come to realize that the world needs all different kinds of people. I need my spontaneous friends to keep me calm and collected so that I can let go and have fun, while those friends need me to do the serious planning that is sometimes necessary.

So for all of you planners who could not be spontaneous if your lives depended on it, you keep doing you!

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