Platonic Soul Mates

There are many people out there who are true romantics. They believe that they will meet the one person who is their soul mate, be amazingly in love, get married, and then be happy for the rest of their lives.

While I love a good fairy tale as much as the next Disneysoulmates-2 loving girl, I also have a very different opinion on what it means to find your soul mate. I think that there are plenty of people who exist in the world who could be your soul mate. I know this because I have found a couple of my soul mates, and I while I do love them to the moon and back, I would never actually want to be involved with them romantically.

Finding your soul mate, or one of them anyways, means that you have found someone who understands and accepts you completely for who you are. You know each others deepest flaws, and somehow still love them and support them. Your soul mate is someone who you can see yourself having in your life forever, who you can’t imagine not playing a major role in your life.


 I have found this amazing group of people who I know are going to be a major part of my life. I met them 4 years ago, and while we don’t actually get to see each other very often, we always make the most of the time we have. If we can all manage to find one free weekend day in our calendars, we spend it together. Over the summers we try to get together at least four times in three months, which is actually a lot for us. We’ve all talked about our futures and we know that we all want to be a part of each others’.

When there comes a time when someone starts dating someone, the group has to meet them. For me, this amazing group of people is my second family, and their opinions would be just as important as those of my biological family. Capture28

Some people might say that we are all just really close friends, and that a soul mate is one person who you love…etc. I can see where those thoughts might come from. However, I disagree. I honestly think that to call these people friends would be the biggest understatement. It is as if I was meant to meet these people. We were destined to become friends and support each other. We’re supposed to know and understand the deepest parts of each others’ minds, and accept it all.

Some people think they wouldn’t be able to survive without their significant other. I would not be able to survive without my soul mates.

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