Reasons My Mom is My Best Friend

When some people find out that my mom and I are close, they think it’s strange. Some people just aren’t into having close relationships with their parents, and that’s fine. But my mom has been my best friend since the beginning of time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

555618_3839733436384_1295025947_n1. I talk to her everyday and it’s because I want to. If anything important happens in my life, I pick up the phone and she is the first to know.

2. She is my biggest supporter. She knows I can do anything, and she always pushes me to be the best that I can be.

3. We borrow each other’s clothes. Some of her stuff is so cute that I end up stealing it.

4. She never sugar coats anything for me. If I call her with a problem, she’ll always have a step by step plan to fix it. Even though sometimes I wish she would just listen and let me rant, I know that she wouldn’t be my mom if she didn’t have a plan.

4749_1103395477611_6626495_n4. She is the best shopping partner ever. She always knows what will look good, and has no problem telling me if something looks bad.

5. Every now and then, she sends me flowers at school “just because”, and it always brightens up my day.

6. I wonder every day how I will ever be half the mother that she is.


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