Making The Best of The End

While I’m not a senior this year, and I won’t have to face the reality of graduation for another year, the commencement ceremony that draws ever closer for current seniors has me thinking about the ways that you can get the most out of the time you have left.

This is the last time in your life when you will be able to wake up 15 minutes before class starts, throw on some sweats, and still make it to class in a semi-presentable manner. In a very short time you will have to start getting up early enough to shower, put on real clothes/make up, and actually do your hair. Along with that, you have to stay looking this nice for over eight hours. That’s right ladies, no hurrying home from that hour and a half long class to take your bra off and get comfy.

The idea of staying out anywhere past 10 p.m. on a weeknight will be insanity, and the amount of time you will have to be able to devote to extracurricular that you actually enjoy will diminish substantially. So much so that you might say that the time evaporates.

The most important point that I can make, would be to not try to rush through it. I could look at this upcoming year as a home-stretch. I could try to sprint to the finish line that is the future of adulthood and making grown-up life choices, but  where is the fun in that? Graduation will still come at the same time no matter how you get there, so slow down and enjoy the ride. Savor each little thing. Will it seem stupid to others and even yourself to constantly remind yourself that “this is the last….”? Yes, it will. But it is the last one. Take the time to remember it.

You (should) only get to experience this once.


  1. jenburtonhpu · April 11, 2015

    Great posts the past few weeks. I was particularly surprised by the post where you described your disconnect with choir and music in high school. That was so shocking to me! I also believe that friend’s can be soul mates. In life, my soul mates and I understood each other better than anyone because we were so much alike. In romance, I like having a non-soul mate that is a little different than me.


  2. Tesia Harrison · April 15, 2015

    Great post Erika! Honestly I have had to check myself a few time on rushing to that finish line. I really have had to take time and smell the roses, if you know what I mean. This is the last time in our life where the world is really ours and we barely have a care in the world (except grades of course!).Here’s to 24 days to my graduation and unforgettable memories!

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